Ridgeview Institute
Where is Ridgeview Institute located?
3995 S Cobb Dr
Smyrna, GA 30080What institution service type is Ridgeview Institute?
Psychiatric What type of ownership or control is Ridgeview Institute under?
Other Non-Profit
Number of FT personnel | |
Number of beds | |
Number of bassinets | |
Average daily census | |
Annual births | |
Annual admissions | |
Annual emergency department (ED) visits | |
Annual non-ED outpatient visits | |
Annual inpatient surgeries | |
Annual outpatient surgeries | |
Annual number of Medicare discharges | |
Annual number of Medicaid discharges |
Cardiac ICU | |
Medical Surgical ICU | |
Pediatric ICU | |
Neonatal ICU | |
Burn care | |
Physical rehabilitation | |
Psychiatric care | |
Hospice | |
Trauma center indicator | |
Trauma center level | |
Positron Emission Tomography | |
Medical School Affiliations and Program Partnerships
3995 S Cobb DrSmyrna, GA 30080