Members get the full power of FREIDA™, and so much more
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AMA Membership

FREIDA™ Member Dashboard
Join the AMA and get access to member only dashboard where you can save, rank, take notes, download, and compare programs.

FREIDA™ Residency Calculator
Budget for medical residency application costs and interviews with FREIDA™'s easy to use calculator. AMA members have the ability to access the calculator in their dashboard.
FREIDA™ Road to Residency Guide
Online course to help you select, apply and get admitted to residency programs.

AMA Medical Student Leadership Learning Series
AMA medical student leadership learning series offers practical education to help medical students lead effectively. These 20-minute, interactive modules offer advice, realistic scenarios and printable resources

Free for AMA Members, events that provide opportunities to network with peers and learn more about advocacy, policy making, residency, and organized medicine.

Get discounts on test preparation courses to study for medical and licensing exams.